Award 2024
ACM/IEEE DAC'24 Outstanding TPC Members sponsored by ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Rate: 6.7% (26/390)
Chun-Feng Wu(吳俊峯) is an assistant professor at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. He was a postdoctoral scholar in Department of Computer Science, Harvard University from 2021 to 2022. During his postdoc, he worked with Meta and Samsung on the topics of deep recommendation systems and computation-in-memory, respectively. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Department of Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2016 and in Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2021 respectively. He served in R&D alternative service at Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. His primary research interests include memory/storage systems, embedded systems, operating systems and the next-generation memory/storage architecture.
Hi, I joined the Department of Computer Science at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University as an assistant professor in August 2022. I am looking for motivated B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. students, also welcome PostDoc. Our research topic will focus on memory/storage co-design with a variety of popular applications (e.g., deep learning systems, recommendataion systems, graph processing systems, key-value databases, and various machine learning systems). Our lab will work closely with Harvard University, Academia Sinica, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University and National Tsing Hua University. If you are interested in my research or plan to study abroad, please do not hesitate to email (cfwu417@cs.nycu.edu.tw) me with a copy of your CV to start a conversation. (Welcome guys interested in working with Harvard University.)
嗨,我於2022年八月加入陽明交大資工系。我們實驗室致力於整合應用程式與記憶體/儲存裝置以打造次世代運算系統,歡迎喜愛挑戰、樂於貢獻開源社群的同學加入,無論是碩士、專題、博士生、博士後都非常歡迎來聊聊。 底下三個是我比較熟悉的研究方向,也很歡迎其他不同的想法一起來Brainstorm新的方向。
Acceptance rate: 24%
Acceptance rate: 23%
Acceptance rate: 26.1% (3222/12343)
Acceptance rate: 23%
Acceptance rate: 22.5% (132/586)
Acceptance rate: 17.4% (31/178)
Best Paper Award (1/178)
Acceptance rate: 23%
Acceptance rate: ~24%
Acceptance rate: 23%
Acceptance rate: 17.6% (70/398)
Acceptance rate: 21.9%(28/128)
Best Paper Award
Acceptance rate: 24.8%(202/815)
Acceptance rate: 24.3%(168/691)
The First Prize Paper Award
ACM/IEEE DAC'24 Outstanding TPC Members sponsored by ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Rate: 6.7% (26/390)
IEEE PhD Thesis Award sponsored by IEEE Taipei Section. (IEEE 2021 碩博士論文獎)
Excellence Award of PhD Thesis Award sponsored by Institute of Information & Computing Machinery (IICM). (中華民國資訊學會博士論文優等獎)
One of the Finalist of Open Innovation Contest for AXDIMM Technology hosted by Samsung.
The 1st Prize of PhD Thesis Award sponsored by Lam Research. (科林論文獎博士論文頭等獎)
PhD Thesis Award sponsored by Taiwan Information Storage Association (TISA). (台灣資訊儲存學生論文獎)
CTCI Research Scholarship sponsored by China Technical Consultants Inc (CTCI) Foundation. (中技社研究獎學金)
TSIA Semiconductor Award sponsored by Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA). (台灣半導體產業協會半導體獎)
Pan Wen Yuan Scholarship sponsored by Pan Wen Yuan Foundation. (財團法人潘文淵文教基金會)
Elite Scholarship sponsored by Elite-Well Education Foundation. (財團法人平安菁教育英基金會)
Student Travel Grants sponsored by Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK).
Outstanding Students Conference Travel Grants sponsored by Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (FAOS). (傑出人才發展基金會)
The International Conference Scholarship For Young Researchers sponsored by Academia Sinica. (中央研究院年輕學者出國報告)
2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program: Emerging Young Scholars sponsored by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). (國科會跨世代年輕學者方案:新秀學者)
Yushan Young Fellow Program sponsored by Ministry of Education (MOE). (教育部玉山青年計畫)
Postdoctoral Research Study Abroad Program sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). (科技部博士後研究千里馬計畫)
Seminar Talk Speaker of NTU DS, Taipei, 2023.
Seminar Talk Speaker of NCKU CSIE, Tainan, 2023.
Seminar Talk Speaker of NTHU ISA, Hsinchu, 2022.
Invited Talk Speaker of Meta, Boston, 2022.
Tutorial Speaker of The 24th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2021.
Student Research Forum Speaker of The 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference(ASP-DAC), 2021.
Forum Speaker of The CCF China Test Conference (CTC), 2020.
PhD Forum Speaker of The 30th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, 2019.
Invited Talk Speaker of The 8th IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Systems and Applications Symposium (NVMSA), 2019.
Researchers from Meta (or Facebook previously) point out that data preprocessing is becoming a critical performance bottleneck for training their recommendation systems. We observed that, one of the reasons of the bottleneck is that unused training data may still be read and filtered out during data preprocessing. Besides, these unused data movements is because of the access behavior gap between recommendation systems and SSDs. To avoid these unused data movements, We proposed a joint management middleware to bridge the access behavior gap and periodically re-organize the training data inside SSDs. With using our middleware, systems can save 24%-47% of the overall read time compared with the LSM-based strategy, which is now currently applied by Meta and Baidu.
We come up with a proposal targeting on integrating the GNN-based recommendation system with AxDIMM. We are now working on the architecture analysis of AxDIMM and the behavior analysis of GNN-based recommendation system.
Conduct researches, experiments, or implementations related to computer systems such as storage systems, memory systems, embedded systems, computer architecture, energy-efficient designs, multi-core/many-core systems, and neuromorphic computing.
This project aims to provide a private cloud storage for users. Our team designs a distributed storage system, SSBox, with high accessibility and reliability. We provide PaaS layer services for programmers to access our SSBox by RESTful API. In addition, SSBox could endure hundred of thousand of users to access simultaneously.
This project aims to provide Virtual Desktops to cost down the hardware price for schools. We apply a real-time virtual desktop based on OpenStack and Docker. Users just need a browser and stable Internet so that users can access different Operating System. We also design a client side by OpenStack APIs and the design makes users to create virtual desktops eaiser.